Avaialble for scala versions 2.11, and 2.12.

"org.iolog4s" %% "iolog4s" % "0.0.4"

You also need to depend on explicitly on a backend for logging, e.g.:

"ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.2.3"

Constructing a logger

You have three ways of creating a logger:

import org.iolog4s._
import cats.effect. IO

class Test {
  //this create a logger whose name is the fully qualified name of the enclosing class/object
  val logger1 = Logger.create[IO]

  //logger with a special name
  val logger2 = Logger.create[IO]("special-name")

  //explicit way of doing version 1, or doing some other unholy magic
  val logger3 = Logger.create[IO](this.getClass)

  def logs: IO[Unit] =
    for {
       _ <-"This has the name of the enclosing class")
       _ <-"This has a special-name")
       _ <-"This is just an explicit way of achieving 1")
    } yield ()
