0.0.4 (May 2nd 2018)

Contributors to this version:

0.0.3 (April 29th 2018)

  • remove logback-classic as a dependency
    • using it only in test now
    • this allows users of iolog4s to easily specify their logging backend w/out creating serious problems when creating fat jars and whatnot
    • updated docs to reflect the need to explicitly depend on a backend

Contributors to this version:

0.0.2 (April 29th 2018)


  • microsite available at https://iolog4s.github.io/iolog4s/
  • fixed signature of Logger.getLogger from def create[F[_]]: org.iolog4s.Logger[F] to def create[F[_]: Sync]: org.iolog4s.Logger[F] to force searching for a Sync typeclass sooner. Thus yielding better error messages when attempted to be used with something that has no Sync
  • loosened access mods in org.iolog4s.Logger because macro code would be generated that had no access to the F: Sync[F[_]] field. Thus making logger unusable outside of the org.iolog4s package.

Contributors to this version:

0.0.1 (April 25th 2018)

First working version of a macro-based pure-FP logger for Scala. Depends on cats-effects.

Current state of the art:

object Main extends App {
  import org.iolog4s._
  import cats.effect.IO

  val logger: Logger[IO] = Logger.create[IO]

  val logs: IO[Unit] = for {
    _ <- logger.trace("test-trace")
    _ <- logger.debug("test-debug")
    _ <- logger.info("test-info")
    _ <- logger.warn("test-warn")
    _ <- logger.error("test-error")

  } yield ()


Contributors to this version:
